Publisher Benefits

eLibraryPlus frees publishers to create, distribute and market e-books in multiple formats directly or through the channels of their choice. Publishers are free to set all prices and terms. No discounts off price or commisions are required.

eLibraryPlus offer three membership options: (1) Standard Membership, (2) Professional Membership, and (3) Premium Membership.

Standard Membership: provides conversion of content to multiple formats and versions and dynamically updates and upgrades this content as new devices and technologies enter the market. Publishers have access to the eLibraryPlus Content Bank to use this content in their own marketing efforts.

Professional Membership includes all the benefits of Standard Membership. In addition, publishers are provided a website on the Network to market their own content directly to end users. This website includes a global reach with pricing all major currencies.

Premium Membership:includes all the benefits of Standard Membership. In addition, originates orders on behalf of the publisher by marketing directly to the world's top university libraries and through library acquisition programs.