Subject Areas > Language and Literature

Displaying 29 to 32 of 109 of books in short in order of Title.

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Don DeLillo, Jean Baudrillard, and the Consumer Conundrum

Marc Schuster
ISBN13: 9781604975048
Date: 18-Mar-08

Although many critics have glossed the affinities between DeLillo and Baudrillard, this is the first book-length study to explore the relationship between the American author and the French theorist. Read More..

Drama and the Postmodern:

Assessing the Limits of Metatheatre
Daniel K. Jernigan
ISBN13: 9781604975420
Date: 28-Nov-08

This collection of essays is impressive in its breadth, ranging over English, Irish, American, and Continental dramatists. Many of the plays given extended treatment are frequently anthologized and/or taught. Read More..

Dramatic Theories of Voice in the Twentieth Century

Andrew Kimbrough
ISBN13: 9781604977301
Date: 01-Jan-11

This is the first book of theatre studies to identify and articulate theories of voice as expressed in the philosophies, human sciences, and physical sciences of the twentieth century. It also identifies parallels between the theories and the vocal practices of twentieth-century performances that shared similar concerns with issues of language and mediation. This book adopts as a central premise that the introduction and proliferation of electronic forms of communication stimulated the interest in voice and language in the scholarly discourses of the twentieth century and stimulated as well the fascination with the sounds of the voice as expressed in the twentieth-century avant garde. Read More..

Emerging African Voices:

A Study of Contemporary African Literature
Walter P. Collins
ISBN13: 9781604976649
Date: 18-Jan-10

There exists an abundance of deft scholarship and critical analyses, even in the most recent publications by African and Western theorists, of the works of recognized African authors. This volume offers insightful general analysis and critical evaluation of new writers’ works in order to showcase their contributions to the body of African literature. It examines nine contemporary writers whose works (written almost entirely in the colonial languages of English and French) in some way update and refocus African literature for the new century. Read More..