Subject Areas > Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

Displaying 9 to 12 of 15 of books in short in order of Title.

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Philosophy, Art, and the Specters of Jacques Derrida

Gray Kochhar-Lindgren
ISBN13: 9781604977882
Date: 28-Nov-11

Although there is a significant literature on the philosophy of Jacques Derrida, there are few analyses that address the deconstructive critique of phenomenology as it simultaneously plays across range of cultural productions including literature, painting, cinema, new media, and the structure of the university. Using the critical figures of “ghost” and “shadow”—and initiating a vocabulary of phantomenology—this book traces the implications of Derridean “spectrality” on the understanding of contemporary thought, culture, and experience. Read More..

Race and the Assemblies of God Church:

The Journey from Azusa Street to the "Miracle of Memphis"
Joe Newman
ISBN13: 9781934043554
Date: 28-May-07

Utilizing the extensive archival holdings of the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center, this is the first book to chronicle the treatment of African Americans by the largest, predominantly white, Pentecostal denomination in the United States. Read More..

The Separation of Early Christianity from Judaism

Marianne Dacy
ISBN13: 9781604977004
Date: 08-Jul-10

This book covers an enormous amount of material on the relationship between early Christianity and Judaism, but presents this in a highly accessible manner, clearly showing how the separation between the two emerged over time. It also reveals the ways they continued to be related. The author pinpoints two pervasive issues that impelled the separation: the relationship of the early church to Jewish law and the increasing divinization of Jesus. Read More..

Theology, Disability, and Spiritual Transformation:

Learning from the Communities of L'Arche
Michael Hryniuk
ISBN13: 9781604976946
Date: 18-Apr-10

There is an emerging recognition of the need for a fuller understanding of the nature and dynamics of spiritual growth and its implications for human development and social change. The book examines the psychological dimensions of spiritual transformation through the lens of contemporary affect theory and explores how caregivers experience a profound healing of shame in their felt sense of identity and self-worth. Read More..