Maria Graham: A Literary Biography
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Maria Graham: A Literary Biography By Regina Akel

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Austen, Jane, 69, 238

Banditti,, 79–82

Beccaria, Cesare, 30, 40n3

Bombay, 26, 37, 39, 41–43, 58, 66n2

Bonpland, Madame, 92, 182, 193n19, 199, 201, 205, 207–212, 217n22

Bronte, Charlotte, 3, 7, 23n7

burial practices, 240n9

Brazil, 104, 117n28, 186

Chile, 145–146

India, 34

Burke, Edmund, 35

Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 26, 34, 40n6, 70–72, 84n3, 129, 144, 150n2, 248

Calcutta, 42, 49

Caldcleugh, Alexander, 127

Calderón de la Barca, Frances, 108, 151n16

Callcott, Augustus Wall, later Sir, xiv–xv, 228, 231, 234–236, 240n7, 204n10, 240n12, 240n14, 243, 251–252

Cape Town, 30–31, 35

Carpenter, Mary, 33, 46

Cochrane, Lady, 92, 96, 177, 182–185, 190, 194n32, 208, 265–266

Cochrane, Thomas, Lord. See Dundonald

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 69–70, 84n3

colonialism. See also United States of America,, xvi, 44, 90, 97, 103, 188, 194n28, 142

British type of, 44, 56, 58–60, 63, 66n4, 133, 180

dangers of, 55

Spanish type of, 132, 134, 141–142, 146

discourse. See also colonialism,; Foucault, 52, 56, 59, 90, 97, 132

definition of, 133

d. of femininity, 90, 134, 141, 151n14

d. of religion, 90, 132, 134–135, 141, 146–148, 247

(anti–)slavery discourse, 32, 90, 99–100

Day, Thomas. See also Edgeworth, 100

Dickens, Charles, 4, 7–8, 12, 15–16, 23n2, 23n4

Dundonald, Lord Thomas Cochrane, Earl of

Brazilian campaign, 93

Chilean campaign, 154–156

personal history, 156–157

significance of, xv

Eastlake, Charles, 72, 84n4, 84n10, 225

Eden, Emily, 52–53, 57, 66n1

Edgeworth, Maria, 100, 108, 144, 195, 216n1, 261n2