The Latin American Identity and the African Diaspora: Ethnogenesis in Context
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The Latin American Identity and the African Diaspora: Ethnogenesi ...

Chapter I:  Essay I: Aesthetic Blackness in the Creative Literature of the Latin/Hispanic Reality
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Essay I

Aesthetic Blackness
in the Creative Literature
of the Latin/Hispanic Reality

Su génesis data del Auto de los Reyes Magos (s. XII) y el personaje negro es uno de los constantes del teatro español del Siglo de Oro. Su evolución culmina en las renovaciones del teatro lopesco… (Moses E. Panford, Jr., Manuel Vicente Guerrero: El Negro Valiente en Flandes)

(The Black man's debut appearance dates from the Drama of the Three Wise Men (XIIth century), and his characterization remains a constant figure in the Spanish theater of the Golden Age. The evolution of his development as a theatrical image culminates with innovations in the theater of Lope de Vega…)

By the time of the discoveries of the Americas and the African's transfer from the Continent to Hispaniola (today's Haiti and the Dominican Republic) and subsequently to South America in the sixteenth century,