Africans in China: A Sociocultural Study and Its Implications on Africa-China Relations
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Africans in China: A Sociocultural Study and Its Implications on ...

Chapter 2:  Africans in Guangzhou
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FIGURE 2.1. Age groups of the respondents.

TABLE 2.2. Gender of the respondents.


There was an overwhelming gender imbalance in my research population with 256 men versus only 56 women. This male majority is reflective of the preponderance of men in the African trading community in Guangzhou.

One fact that explains this gender imbalance in the larger African populations in Guangzhou and other parts in China is that when a couple in Africa owns a trading business (usually a shop or a stall in the marketplace in the town or village), it is traditional for the woman to take care of the day-to-day retail business while the man sources out the items