Andragogical Instruction for Effective Police Training
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Andragogical Instruction for Effective Police Training By Robert ...

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Background of the Problem

The Institutionalization of American Policing

Humans have historically demonstrated an innate need to ensure their safety and to maintain social order and control. Traditionally, the responsibility for fulfilling this function was relegated to the family and the immediate community. As societies grew, evolved, and matured, these responsibilities not only expanded in scope but also shifted to the sphere of government, more specifically, to personnel and organizations that we currently recognize and collectively refer to as the “police” (Roberg, Novak, & Cordner, 2005). While the mission of policing democratic societies has fundamentally remained unchanged over the course of the past 200 years, its role within society has undergone changes and transitions, as have the methods for achieving its goals and objectives (Roberg, Kuykendall, & Novak, 2002). Underscoring the challenges that face today's police is the importance of how new officers are trained (Birzer & Tannehill, 2001; Gaines & Kappeler, 2005; Walker & Katz, 2008). While basic police training is not represented as the panacea for the innumerable challenges that face modern policing, the process represents a critical factor in the professional preparation of new police