Asian American Identities:  Racial and Ethnic Identity Issues in the Twenty-First Century
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Asian American Identities: Racial and Ethnic Identity Issues in ...

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Despite the unique nature of every individual’s life, it is argued that there is a certain set of attitudes and beliefs that are commonly found across a variety of Asian American individuals. The findings of the present study suggest that there is indeed a shared set of attitudes and beliefs across a variety of Asian American individuals. The findings of the present study suggest that there is indeed a set of shared attitudes and beliefs that differ according to one’s generational status. Given the changing nature of race and ethnicity in American society, it is increasingly important to address the variety of ways that identity is manifested across different generational statuses in future psychological studies focusing on Asian American populations.

It is hoped that studies such as the one contained in this book will contribute to the debates already begun in scholarly circles, as well as the broader society, about the important issues that face the changing racial and ethnic composition of the American population. Only through further empirical study and open dialogue can the United States as a nation begin to address the needs of all citizens in ways that respect and value the diversity that exists within her borders. As immigrants constitute a significant portion of the American labor force, it is imperative that the experiences of this group are addressed in our continued study of the American experience. The immigrant story is an important addition to the evolving narrative regarding the meaning of race and culture in American society. Only when we understand more about the experiences of diverse groups such as Asian Americans can we better understand how identity is formed and expressed in the lives of all Americans.